Brexit at Tiffany’s

What an exciting day: a Nobel Prize for a Dutch researcher, scientific proof that looking at (and sharing) cat videos is good for you, and then this also happened:

And you know what? I completely agree that breakfast is much more likely to be a success than Brexit. I happened to have the night off, one thing led to another, and now there’s a very simple browser extension for Chrome, called Brexit at Tiffany’s, that will replace all occurrences of the word ‘Brexit’ with ‘breakfast’. Download it right here!

All of a sudden, browsing news websites is much more exciting:

brexit-at-tiffanys-1 brexit-at-tiffanys-2 brexit-at-tiffanys-3 brexit-at-tiffanys-4 brexit-at-tiffanys-5

Thanks to this excellent tutorial, making the browser extension was extremely simple, and I’d recommend it to anyone who likes to play around with words and doesn’t mind spending an evening playing around with JavaScript.

Download your copy of the Brexit at Tiffany’s browser extension right here.

Share your favourite ‘breakfast’ stories in the comments!

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